Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The 94 Stages of Moving

The name for this post comes from the Stages of Grief.  Depending on what you read, there are either 5 or 7 stages of grief.  Personally, I go with the list of 5 - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  I'm not comparing moving to grief, but it's a monumental life event that doesn't just happen in a day and is done.  Moving is a compilation of many different experiences, feelings and just plain work.  

I've been told that moving is one of the most stressful things in life.  However, when I tried to verify this, I found this to be untrue, according to the experts.  For example, with death of a spouse at a score of 100, moving is only a 20 - barely an inconvenience.  So, with this in mind, here is one person's closeup view of the joys of moving.

1.  Starts with acceptance.  The reality is that the move is going to happen and it's hard to know what to do first.

2.  Get the old house on the real estate market, which means extracting a lot of extra things from the house, closets, etc.

3.  Find a new place to live.

4.  Start packing up and giving away until you reach the point of the actual move, as seen in the above photo.

5.  Get where you're going and face a wall of boxes.

6.  Gear up the courage to start opening all of the boxes.

7.  Once the boxes start to be opened, chaos ensues.

8.  Chaos continues for a long, long time.  

9.  Chaos becomes a way of life.

10. - 93.  Unpack, put away, give away, clean up and settle in.  This is a long term project.

94.  Enjoy your new life, new home and thinned out possessions.

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