Friday will mark one year since we sashayed into Denver with the intention of making it our new home. It's been an interesting and not always easy year, but also an eventful one. Moving is definitely not for sissies. Even moving a few blocks can be an exhausting experience, primarily because it's so physically tiring. Then add to that the mental and emotional components that come with moving 1,400 miles - all the way from grits to granola - and that's been my year.
I've learned a lot - primarily about myself, but also about other people, places and things - in this year. I still miss the folks I've left behind but really nothing else. I've been very fortunate to see so many people during this year in all sorts of places and particularly fortunate that a number of them have actually been in Denver in the last 12 months.
Having made some big moves in the past, I understand that it takes time to feel comfortable in a new location and with new people. With that in mind, I feel fortunate to have a great husband who so wants me to be happy and a wonderful place to live. I've met some nice new people and reacquainted with old friends. My time is free to do with as I please, and I'm starting to accept that it's ok to sit down, put my feet up, and enjoy reading a good book, even if it is the middle of the day.
Almost everything about my Denver life is different than my Atlanta life, but that doesn't make it bad, just different. The mountains are so very pretty to look at, but they will never beckon me like the beach. That's just part of who I am - Jersey Shore, through and through.
So I embark on this second year of our Western adventure with interest to see what the future holds. I hope to keep posting here both my occasional thoughts that seem worthy of sharing as well as my travel adventures. This blog has been fun to write and has served its purpose of keeping me in touch with people whom I miss. I enjoy hearing from you and hope that will continue during my second mile high year.
By the way, I still miss my grits.